Oryx2 性能优化文档
因为Kafka是底层传输数据的,存储要求的采集和存放数据对于Kafka也就是这样的。查看Kafka 性能中提到的内容。一般情况下,Kafka并不会接近瓶颈,也能够像其他Kafka的使用一样调整资源占用大小。
批处理层独特的地方是模型的构建, and the element that is of most interest to benchmark are likely the model building processes implemented in the app tier, on top of MLlib. Here again, the resources required to build a model over a certain amount of data are just that of the underlying MLlib implementations of ALS, k-means and decision forests.
JVM 优化
Choosing the number of Spark executors, cores and memory is a topic in its own right.
更多的核,意味着可能会有更多的并发进程。在典型的模型构建进程中,如果能达到任务总数的三分之一或者2分之一的话,这将是非常有用的。你可以观察到任务的数量,以及Spark UI中批处理层固有的并发情况。在这数量之下,核数再多也无法增加更多的并发了。少一些是可以的,无非就是增加了点运行时间。当然,在批处理的时间间隔内,充足的核数可以保证批处理的顺利完成。核的数量可以通过oryx.batch.streaming.executor-cores进行配置。
oryx-run.sh脚本的–jvm-args参数是用来为所有的JVM进程设置内存参数的。举个例子,通过设置 -XX:+UseG1GC ,会达到一个比较合理的效果。
REST API 后端服务器是Tomcat。配置文件是没有暴露给用户的,但是对于他的负载已经做了合理的调整。Tomcat容器本身开销很小,不需要担心性能问题。
基准测试: 交替最小二乘法推荐
mvn -DskipTests clean install
cd app/oryx-app-serving
mvn -Pbenchmark \
-Doryx.test.als.benchmark.users=1000000 \
-Doryx.test.als.benchmark.items=5000000 \
-Doryx.test.als.benchmark.features=250 \
-Doryx.test.als.benchmark.lshSampleRate=0.3 \
-Doryx.test.als.benchmark.workers=2 \
- 内存需求是成线性的:(users + items) x features
- -XX:+UseStringDeduplication 在 Java 8中是非常有用的 (reflected below)
- At scale, 1M users or items ~= 500-1000M of heap required, depending on features
Example steady-state heap usage (Java 8):
Features | Users+Items (M) | Heap (MB) |
50 | 2 | 1400 |
50 | 6 | 2600 |
50 | 21 | 7500 |
250 | 2 | 3000 |
250 | 6 | 7500 |
250 | 21 | 25800 |
- Recommend and similarity computation time scales linearly with items x features
- A single request is parallelized across CPUs; max throughput and minimum latency is already achieved at about 1-2 concurrent requests
- Locality sensitive hashing decreases processing time roughly linearly; 0.33 ~= 1/0.33 ~= 3x faster (setting too low adversely affects result quality)
Below are representative throughput / latency measurements for the /recommend endpoint using
a 32-core Intel Xeon 2.3GHz (Haswell), OpenJDK 8 and flags -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication. Heap size was comfortably large enough for the data set in each case. The tests were run with 1-3 concurrent request at a time, as necessary to achieve near-full CPU utilization.
With LSH (sample rate = 0.3)
Features | Items (M) | Throughput (qps) | Latency (ms) |
50 | 1 | 437 | 7 |
250 | 1 | 151 | 13 |
50 | 5 | 84 | 24 |
250 | 5 | 36 | 56 |
50 | 20 | 14 | 69 |
250 | 20 | 6 | 162 |
Without LSH (sample rate = 1.0)
Features | Items (M) | Throughput (qps) | Latency (ms) |
50 | 1 | 74 | 27 |
250 | 1 | 23 | 44 |
50 | 5 | 13 | 80 |
250 | 5 | 5 | 191 |
50 | 20 | 4 | 282 |
250 | 20 | 1 | 708 |
JVM 优化
机器上运行(多个)服务层,使用越多的可用的核,意味着可以提供更多的并发请求处理能力。在ALS中,一些请求,比如/recommend 可以在一个请求中通过多核计算完成。
-XX:+UseG1GC remains a good garbage collection setting to supply with –jvm-args. In Java 8, -XX:+UseStringDeduplication can reduce memory requirements by about 20%.
这也是一个Spark Streaming 作业,也需要想批处理层那样配置executors。一般情况下,需要更少的处理和更低的时间延迟。
Executors will have to be sized to consume input Kafka partitions fully in parallel; the number of cores times number of executors should be at least the number of Kafka partitions.